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The main activity of the Holdor group is the consulting for the extraction of gold and other materials from the river Niger and the ground, subsequently to be processed in laboratories and commercialized in other countries. The key distinction is the use of industrial machinery near to the artisans. Simple – we go where others can not.

In the extraction process, other valuable raw materials such as platinum, silver and gems are also obtained. All of the extracted material is processed and refined in individual laboratories around Mali and prepared to a high degree of purity for marketing in Europe and other countries.

The strength of Holdor is its close collaboration with the local villagers, who for generations have lived by mining by hand. Their entire livelihood is based on gold recovery by year from the River Niger. With strong direct ties with the locals and through agreements beneficial to both parties, Holdor has undertaken a type of extraction that has developed in a widespread manner through experience of the villagers, but is supported with the top current equipment technologies for dredging.

The company has, in fact, means which are able to move well beyond the limits of man with simple manual labor, allowing workers to safely move and probe large amounts of material deposited on the river bottom.

The constant presence of European staff guarantees the efficiency of the industrial process and production stages without delays and uncertainties. Combined with the local workforce and their invaluable experience and knowledge of the river, excellent results can be guaranteed - keeping the collection and production of precious metals (primarily gold) continuous and profitable.

Regarding the extraction of precious materials from the land, again Holdor is strong on both the level of technology applied and to the experience of sharing and support of the community. During periods of rain, the work need not stop. The technology permits safe work with satisfactory levels of production. Respect and worker safety are essential to maintain local support and consistent manufacturing.

Mali is a region rich in raw materials and is a land of hard working people. Respect for this generous land and its people are the keys that have granted Holdor a wealth more precious than the extracts of the same materials and products: the confidence, experience and sharing of those living and working in the region.